Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dr Boogie build (Day 1)

As an intro, Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier is a very well known amp for its brutal and crushing distortion that's very sinonim in the world of Metal music scene. but the price is however ridiculously pricey especially here in Msia; >RM10k.

So, i decided to build this Dual rectifier emulator pedal called Dr. Boogie which was designed by a guy called Electritab from forum. Below is the perfboard schematic of it which is based on the revised circuit by gaussmarkov.

So, finally the parts came today (saturday, 4/7/09). and i started building it just now. however, what i did was only putting the components on the perfboard base on the schematic above. Soldering will be done later coz there's still missing parts. gotta go to Jalan Pasar to get 'em.

the present work

1 comment:

fiza said...

Hadi..gune la bread board dulu..karang dh solder..xle nk btolkan kalo salah..ceh..pandai la plak kan bg nasehat...haha