Saturday, January 23, 2010

ETA - 4 Months

The 2nd last semester has just finished at 5 pm. 4 papers altogether. and i performance? just average i'm afraid. only excelled at one paper and sucked at 3 others. the last one, Elements of Noise Investigation was quite a dissapointment. thought that i could go smoothly through it but the questions aren't like before. it's more twisting and need more of understanding about the subject. just hope that i got to maintain above 60% (2nd class upper) as the result.

So, one last sem now. Work/Career would be next. when do i start applying? should i just sit around at home for 2 or 3 months before hunting jobs or do i start immediately? well, the 'plan' now would be start applying for the 'big ones' first right after getting the exam result, and after UNMC's career fair perhaps.


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