Friday, December 18, 2009

PLEXI Jr. Build -DAY 1

I've mod pedals, then mod my tube amp, and then build pedals. a quite addictive hobby i must admit.. so, next?

I'm building an amp! Been playing with that idea in my head for quite a while now. Hi-Octane was one of my target. but then i found... Plexi SE!

It was designed by the guys at (initiated by z_stingray) and was intended to be as a drop replacement for Epiphone Valve junior. The Plexi SE pcb can be bought at guitar amplifier pcbs website.

But the board cost USD30, thats RM100+ after conversion n shipping! so, i designed a layout of the schematic, in a PTP turreted style. all the ground would go on one line and grounded one point on the chasis.

This is the layout i've done. btw, its not gonna be build on a stripboard as shown, its just that software i use for my convinience. those red dots (cut tracks symbol) is the turret.

Components are bought from Jalan Pasar and from Nik Azam of ceriatone. chasis and transformers are from Razi of rseaudio.

as of now, i've already soldered most of the part on the turret board except about 4 parts coz i bought wrong values of resistors! and also, i have to drill some of the holes on the chassis to increase those hole sizes.

Below are some pics!

package unpacked!

Drawn up layout on the board as markings when drilling (forgot to took a picture of it after drilled an turreted though)

turret board 90% soldered up

full pic with the chassis, output transformers, and power transformers

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