Thursday, December 31, 2009

Plexi Jr Build.... It's alive!!!!!!!!!!!

Plexi Jr Build - Day 1

So, it took almost two whole day to finish it all up! but for the first fire up, smokes came out of the Power transformer!!!!!! damn!

Troubleshoot it with the help of Razi for a couple of hours until i realise that the rectifier used was not compatible with the PT. took out two of the 1N4007 off the ground and no more smoke...

but wait! the tube won't light up! tried bypassing those 100R (R1 & R2), and also no connection between pwr tube's pin 8 and filamen lines, but still to no avail!

turns out that connection of pin 8 and filament lines was suppose to act as an artificial center tap, but my PT already has a center tap for the low voltage 2ndary!

but that wasn't the problem though....

The problem was simple. I didn't forced the tube into its sockets hard enough! I had to go to Razi's house to know about this! haha

How does it sound now? couldn't really say much now. too early to tell much. caps havn't burnt in yet and all..

but lots of bottom end for sure. the TMB does make the tonal possibilites wide. overall volume output is not that loud though.

but the gain! it does has a lot of gain. but won't be able to reach into metal territory though without any pedals. great classic rock (say led zep) tones though!

with my modded TS9 in front, it really is a rock monster! not really metal territory yet, but for those modern rock tone, it's great!

so i pushed it with TS9, now i push it harder with my Dr Boogie! with it's gain set below 9 o'clock, the amp turned into a metal monster! Muahahaha! lots of gain with bottom end that the Plexi Jr has! Krraaannnnkkk!!!!!!!

however, the only problem now is the bias. the stated schematic cathode resistor gives too cold of a bias (around 10 watt instead of 14watt plate dissipation voltage). this would probably be because my PT's HV 2ndary is 220V while in the schem is260V.

probably it'll sound better after biased right?

Soundclips/vidz would be up when i hav the time. for now, below are some pictures!

Friday, December 18, 2009

PLEXI Jr. Build -DAY 1

I've mod pedals, then mod my tube amp, and then build pedals. a quite addictive hobby i must admit.. so, next?

I'm building an amp! Been playing with that idea in my head for quite a while now. Hi-Octane was one of my target. but then i found... Plexi SE!

It was designed by the guys at (initiated by z_stingray) and was intended to be as a drop replacement for Epiphone Valve junior. The Plexi SE pcb can be bought at guitar amplifier pcbs website.

But the board cost USD30, thats RM100+ after conversion n shipping! so, i designed a layout of the schematic, in a PTP turreted style. all the ground would go on one line and grounded one point on the chasis.

This is the layout i've done. btw, its not gonna be build on a stripboard as shown, its just that software i use for my convinience. those red dots (cut tracks symbol) is the turret.

Components are bought from Jalan Pasar and from Nik Azam of ceriatone. chasis and transformers are from Razi of rseaudio.

as of now, i've already soldered most of the part on the turret board except about 4 parts coz i bought wrong values of resistors! and also, i have to drill some of the holes on the chassis to increase those hole sizes.

Below are some pics!

package unpacked!

Drawn up layout on the board as markings when drilling (forgot to took a picture of it after drilled an turreted though)

turret board 90% soldered up

full pic with the chassis, output transformers, and power transformers

Saturday, December 5, 2009

In the night shall fall

Darkness creeps
music soothing in the air
lost in the waves of harmonics
finding way through the darkness
i will not fall
holes that i did not see
this darkness holds
the light that darken
the night that lights up
shall i go through?
hold still in the state of mind
steady state holding still the voices
would they ever be silenced?
controlled to the very least of comfort?
slave is what they have made me be...